The U.S. Constitution is Greater than Socialism

The U.S. Constitution is Greater than Socialism

The Democratic Party nominee for vice president has finally said the quiet part out loud. “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness,” was what the vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz said on a fundraising web call titled “White dudes for (Kamala) Harris.” The fact Democrats are continually practicing identitarians is concerning, but not the focus of this article. Back to the subject. Now, Democrats will have to defend the notion that it is government’s place and has the authority to force “neighborliness.”

The United States Constitution has a great many restrictions on the government. And for good reason. The government cannot, and should not, be allowed to define what is or what is not neighborly. The common citizen can decide to what degree they aim to help their fellow citizens. The mere notion that government should be defining and enforcing neighborliness via socialism is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution itself. And anyone that dismisses this is a threat to the proper role of government and the citizens of our republic. While they may claim patriotism, they are breaking their oath to defend the U.S. Constitution.

Walz proudly claims to be a “Progressive.” And progressives have been trying to undermine the U.S. Constitution for more than a century. From Woodrow Wilson’s creation of The Federal Reserve, through FDR’s “New Deal”, through Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society”, and most recently Obama’s “Affordable Care Act”, progressives have undermined basic tenants of the United States of America. Progressivism is the antithesis of the U.S. Constitution.

Those that serve in the Congress of the US government have but one responsibility. However, that one responsibility has two components. The first is to listen to the people and strive to implement policy that propels us toward that desire. The second is to NOT implement those desired changes when it is in contradiction to the U.S. Constitution. Because if we only listen to the majority and their desires, we descend into a simple democracy. And simple democracy is where three wolves and two sheep vote on what’s for dinner. When we adhere to the U.S. Constitution, we must convince a vast majority to adjust governments role through the amendment process.

The world began an experimental change well before the implementation of our U.S. Constitution. Philosophers had contemplated the ramifications and potential progression of the human condition and existence if individualism was brought to the forefront as the norm, not the exception. And for a great many years, individuals rose to great heights via merit and sometimes via nefarious methods. But the elites and others that believe government should totally control societal structure have not let up, and during all those years have been trying to shift the power dynamic back from the individual to the “Powers that Be.” And now, they are unafraid to show their stripes. And we should listen to them and believe when they reveal where they intend to take us. But don’t let them fool you with their doublespeak. When they say “Progressive”, what they really intend is regression. If they were truly honest, they would call themselves by their proper title, “Regressive’s.”

1 thought on “The U.S. Constitution is Greater than Socialism

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      Somewhere I read that we not only have the right, but we have the duty to alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I wonder what the founders would think about where we are now, nearly 250 years later.

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